Sunday, 26 April 2015

WELKS Championship Show

Nice day at WELKS with Kiddy coming 3rd in his first Limit, Rufus a very respectable 2nd in Open and Klasi winning GCD

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Chinese Crested Dog Club Show

Very proud of Kiddy today - Just Kidding of Angel's Legacy At Casacavallo JW (Imp NLD) who won Open dog in a class full of ticket winners and then BD and finally BEST IN SHOW!   As always he showed with fun in his heart and thoroughly enjoyed himself <3  We also took Mac who hasn't shown in years and he came a respectable 2nd in Veteran and enjoyed his day.
Many thanks to judge Fred Ellingford

UK Toy

Was a bit of a sad day today as had Monkey entered but we still took Rufus who is not in open and came a respectable Reserve which is pretty good for a B team dog!